Saturday, August 27, 2011

Gen. Putnam Nearly Killed by Friendly Fire

From the letters of Capt. John Chester of Connecticut, stationed in Cambridge on 13 Feb 1776:
Sunday night as [Gen. Israel] Putnam was passing by Colledge and on the west side the street, a Centry haild from the far part of the Colledge Yard. He could not think he called to him as he had yt. moment passd one & given ye Con. Sign & was just that minute hailed by another. However the Centry in ye Yard not finding an answer up & fired as direct as he could at the Genl which providentially escaped him tho’ he heard the ball whistle.
Unfortunately, there’s no record of what Old Put said in response.

1 comment:

  1. Ol' Put probably would've added some new Americana words to the list that Webster was accumulating at the time.
