Sunday, May 05, 2013

Unabashed Gossip at Fieldstone Common

Last month genealogist Marian Pierre-Louis and I gossiped by phone about children in Revolutionary Boston, the Vassall families of Cambridge, and other topics.

That was for an episode of Marian’s internet radio show and podcast Fieldstone Common, and you can hear the recording here. There are also a couple of photos of me on the episode’s webpage, and Marian’s introduction explains how I fell into historical research.

1 comment:

  1. JL - I listened to the whole interview and as always - loved every minute. The Darby Vassall tale was great; but I especially liked your educated guess that George Washington probably felt very comfortable in the Vassall Home as his HQ because it may have reminded him of Mt. Vernon. And except for a young Darby's answer to the general when he first arrived, GW probably felt very at home there. Thank you!
