Thursday, August 01, 2013

“They continued playing several hours”

The image above was the only signature of John Hancock that I was studying last night.

In the spirit of that activity, I’m pointing to a B.B.C. item from June repeating a report from the 19 Sept 1749 Whitehall Evening Post of England:
On Tuesday last, his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and Lord Middlesex, played at Bass-Ball, at Walton in Surry; notwithstanding the weather was extreme bad, they continued playing several hours.
Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales (1707-1751), was the eldest son of George II and the father of George III. Though heir to the throne, he never became king, in part because of a sports injury.

The Earl of Middlesex (1711-1769) was, like the Prince of Wales, estranged from his father. The two men were also both keen cricket fans. The earl’s younger brother became Lord George Germain, leading proponent and strategist of the American war.


  1. When was the last time the Sox started a game in July and didn't finish it until August? :)

  2. The Sox outlasted the Mariners, but I didn't. We left after the regulation nine do the boys could go to bed and I could be chipper for my talk on Thursday morning.

  3. Bunker Hill in Charlestown and Harvard Square in Cambridge.

  4. You should paid John Overholt a visit to check out those Non-Importation Agreements!

  5. Astonishingly, the twelve-year-olds wanted to visit a comics shop instead of a rare-books library.
