Tuesday, October 29, 2013

RevWar Schmoozer on Hanover Street, 8 Nov.

Todd Andrlik, co-publisher of the Journal of the American Revolution and author of Reporting the Revolutionary War, has organized what he’s called a “Revwar Schmoozer” in Boston on Friday, 8 November.

Everyone involved in studying or promulgating Boston’s Revolutionary history is welcome to join the crowd upstairs at The Point (147 Hanover Street) from 4:30 to 7:30 P.M. That includes “Historians, authors, museum execs, publishers, literary agents, tour guides, professors, students and enthusiasts!” Park rangers back on the job, Ph.D.’s looking for one, tour guides and tourists, reenactors and bloggers—all can join the fun.

There will be a cash bar, and at some point in the evening we’ll toast the launch of the first Journal of the American Revolution hardcover. It sounds like Todd expects folks to drop by as their schedules allow, but we hope the schmoozing and storytelling makes every minute worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. A Boston 1775 reader named Mantelli correctly identified the image above as John Greenwood's painting of sea captains (many from New England) carousing in Suriname.

    I accidentally deleted that comment, but I refuse to believe it was because I was up too late last night.
