Friday, May 01, 2015

Two New Pre-Revolutionary Comics to Choose Between

Tea Party: An American Story is a webcomic from Sam Machado, Cynthia “Theamat” Sousa, and Amanda Sousa Machado, signing themselves as TAS.

It’s one of the most scrupulous fictional depictions of pre-Revolutionary Boston that I’ve seen. As a measure of the level of detail, in episode 6 the Samuel Adams household includes Surry, Job, and Queue. Episode 2 shows Benjamin Burdick tending bar at the Green Dragon Tavern (or, as he advertised it, the Freemason’s Arms).

As a result, there’s not much action in the story. So far it’s shown the Boston Whigs talking seriously about the political issues of the day, largely in the terms of the time. The court party hasn’t shown up yet, limiting the conflict to the frictions internal to those activists and their families. But eventually we’ll move from the judicial salaries issue to Gov. Thomas Hutchinson’s letters to the tea.

On the other end of the comics spectrum, Dark Horse has issued the first issue of The Order of the Forge, written by Victor Gischler and illustrated by Tazio Bettin. The company’s summary:
Before he fathered a nation, young George Washington forged his legend in blood! Imbued with the mystical powers of America’s original inhabitants, George—along with his friends Ben Franklin and Paul Revere—must stop an evil governor who wishes to rule an empire!
The sell line is supposedly in young Washington’s words: “I cannot tell a lie. I f**king hate zombies.” That’s him with his little hatchet on Juan Ferreyra’s cover.

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