Saturday, September 12, 2020

Upcoming Programs from the Marblehead Museum

The Marblehead Museum’s upcoming online events include two about the Revolutionary period.

Thursday, 17 September, 7:00 P.M.
A Furious Sky: The Five-Hundred-Year History of America’s Hurricanes

Marblehead author Eric Jay Dolin discusses his new book, a history of the American hurricane, or, more specifically, the hurricanes that have hit what is today the United States. It follows the intriguing and at times rather nasty history of meteorology, with advances by gifted amateurs and skilled experts alike. It recounts the death, destruction, and despair caused by hurricanes as well as stories of charity, kindness, humor, and resilience. Finally, it considers how hurricanes have influenced the course of empire, the outcomes of war, and the fortunes of individuals.

Access to this event costs $15, or $12 for Marblehead Museum members. Register through this page.

Thursday, 1 October, 7:00 P.M.
Revolutionary Networks

Prof. Joseph Adelman explores the influence of printers on political ideology in the Revolutionary period. Adelman argues that printers—artisans who mingled with the elite but labored in a manual trade—used their connections to shape political thinking and mobilize the masses. Using a database of 756 artisans to peer into the print shops of colonial America, Adelman shows how those businesspeople balanced their political beliefs and interests against their commercial interests, the customs of the trade, and the prevailing mood of their communities. He details how printers developed networks that helped to create first a revolution and then a new nation.

Access to this event costs $15, or $12 for Marblehead Museum members. Register through this page.

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